Comments on: Lay-n-Go 20” COSMO Cosmetic Bag Sat, 09 Apr 2022 19:20:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: P***a Sun, 06 Mar 2022 01:31:49 +0000 I was skeptical before buying this but I’m now a big fan of these bags and even use them for other then cosmetic items..I’ve bought three of them now and have been impressed. That having been said, I will provide a pros and cons here.
Big space saver, there is no compartments to divide things and everything is bunched up together…hence, it makes sense that it would save a lot of space.
Can be put in a small bag or purse without too much notice. Considering how much cosmetic cases often cost (and even purses), the price really isn’t that much.
Very discreet and attractive if it has to be carried outside a purse or cosmetic organizer
When opened, you can immediately see everything at once, making it easy to decide what to use at any moment. Nothing is hidden and everything is protected from falling all over the counter.
If you are going to put it in a luggage for travel, make sure it not only is cinched, but is knotted after bunching it so it doesn’t come undone
Don’t put anything that has a lot of fluid in it, such as some moisturizers that has pump action on them.
If you are sure that some skin care items will stay put and won’t “bleed” (like some jars), it’ll be fine, but if you’re not, this is not the bag for it.
However, considering how much space most women’s cosmetics take up in a purse, this bag is perfect. It’ll fit perfectly in some toiletry bags and be fine with a lot of extra space left over for other things (for most toiletry bags). “Necessity is the mother of invention” and the person that thought this thing up was on to something

By: A***e Tue, 01 Mar 2022 01:32:49 +0000 I have a drawer in my bathroom that was dedicated to all of my makeup, and that meant that the drawer was crammed full. Some of it is very seldom used, piled in with my everyday, go-to products. I received this bag (solid blue), sorted thru that overstuffed drawer, and pulled all of my favorite products and brushes and placed them in the new bag. The rarely used products were left in the drawer. Now it’s so simple to grab this bag and open it out into a large circle on my vanity; everything easily seen and quick to grab. When done, I pull the drawstring and plop the bag on a shelf in my linen closet right next to the bathroom sink. I am already so pleased with the bag that I ordered one for my daughter (purple). I’m sure she will like it as much as I like mine.

By: N***y Fri, 11 Feb 2022 01:31:49 +0000 I was tired of fumbling around in my cosmetic case and saw this. I was skeptical, but…WOW! On my recent two week trip with constant laying out and packing up, this item was wonderful. I could find what I wanted quickly, right away. Packing up was just a matter of pulling the drawstring. At first I wasn’t sure about changing to this bag, but now I could not do without it.

By: T***a Sun, 06 Feb 2022 01:30:49 +0000 Easy way to keep your makeup/products picked up. The bag lays flat or turns into a bowl so your stuff doesn’t roll off the counter—you can find everything way more easily than in a regular bag and it cinches up when you’re finished. More than I wanted to spend for a little bag, but ended up being worth it for me.

By: M***a Fri, 04 Feb 2022 01:30:49 +0000 I’m obsessed. I can now fit eyeshadow palettes and makeup brushes in my bag and take it anywhere.

By: J***y Mon, 31 Jan 2022 01:29:49 +0000 This is so perfect for my needs. I always have to take my makeup with me for jobs (as a model and actress) and I also travel a lot and the space where I do my makeup is not always conducive to laying it out. This keeps it from rolling all over the place and makes it easy to find what I need.

By: R***a Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:29:49 +0000 I wasn’t sure what size to buy. I figured how much space it would take up when laid out. 20″ is what I bought. When I got it I realized you have to keep the drawstring slightly pulled so the edges stand up to keep things from rolling out. The tighter you pull it, the higher the edges can be. So the 20″ one still leaves a surface to lay out your makeup that is about 14-15″, plenty of room.

By: A***a Mon, 24 Jan 2022 01:29:49 +0000 I used to keep my makeup in a gallon Ziploc so I could always find what I needed. I almost never put makeup on at home–I’m either in a car or at work. Using the Ziploc was a pain because I couldn’t put things somewhere else after I used them so they’d be out of the way. This mat is the perfect solution-everything’s laid out so I can pick and choose what I need.
